Ozone therapy is an incredible rejuvenator, normaliser detoxifier, regenerator, immune enhancer, and physical and mental energiser. It is used as supportive therapy.Ozone therapy is safe, simple and painless.No anaesthesia is required and patients can talk cheerfully during the treatment. These sessions are given.two or three times weekly for a total of about 15 to 20 sittings.

Benefits of Ozone therapy

  • Stimulates entire metabolic process of the cell leading to increase in Energy (rejuvenation)
  • Ozone helps increase energy level in body and has anti-ageing effect.
  • Ozone gives more oxygen to Red Blood Cells and increases their glucose uptake.
  • It makes tissue cell membranes more elastic, pliable and healthy.
  • It helps cells to intake nutrients efficiently
  • It relaxes blood vessels, capillaries and increases circulation.
  • It primes White Blood Cells and makes Immune System more efficient.
  • It primes White Blood Cells and makes Immune System more efficient.
  • It destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi and other germs .
  • Reducing the risk of complications from diabetes.

What oxygen does for your skin

  • Boosts collagen production
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes healing
  • Fights free radicals