More than seven million people in the INDIA are living with the neurodegenerative ravages of Parkinson's disease. This disease, which typically hits people past the age of 65, is progressive, gradually stripping away motor abilities, leaving people with a slow and awkward gait, rigid limbs, tremor, shuffling and a lack of balance. .
In the early stages there may be a slight shaking of hands or walking difficulty that is barely noticeable. Over time the symptoms may become more pronounced resulting in unclear speech and varied physical disability. The risk of developing Parkinson increases with age. It affects both men and women. No one knows what causes Parkinson's. Most cases arise spontaneously; some are hereditary.
Parkinson disease is a Movement disorder. It results from loss of brain cells (neurons) in an area of brain called the substantia nigra that modulates movements. The cells of substantia nigra involved in Parkinson disease produce a chemical called dopamine. Deficiency of dopamine is believed to be responsible for most of the symptoms of Parkinson disease.

  • Movement Disorder Clinic: Parkinson patient`s movements screening and care.
  • Dietary Advice: Many people with Parkinson develop nutritional deficiencies as they are unable to prepare their own meals, develop odd food preferences, decreased appetite or fear of eating. The Clinic offers dietary advice and counseling. In patients who are unable to eat well we advise on measures to prevent nutritional deficiencies

Our facilities:

  • Movement Disorder Specialist Consultation
  • Physiotherap
  • Speech and swallowing therapy
  • Dietary Counseling
  • Psychology Consultation
  • Yoga
  • Functional reeducation
  • Gait, Balance & coordination training